Italian Election: a divided country

The day after, news and updates


What emerges from the elections is a country divided in three parts, with no majority. The 5 Stars Movement reaches the 31% and wins in the South, the Centre Right wins the Centre North area of the country, and is the first coalition with the 37% and Lega ahead. Sharp drop for the Democratic Party, significant decline with only two regions gained.

- No coalition or political force can count on a majority, neither at the Chamber or the Senate. 

- Milano counter-trend, Democratic Party first and the 5 Stars Movement third.

Beppe Grillo, founder of the 5 Stars Movement, rushes to Rome to share with Luigi Di Maio the triumph of their anti-establishment political force.

- Milano, Matteo Salvini, Leader of lega Nord claimes the Centre Right leadership and promises "italians first".

- This afternoon Matteo Renzi, Leader of the Democratic Party will speak from the democrats headquarter, for an analisis of the undeniable electoral failure. His resignation is not excluded. 

- Luigi Di Maio, Leader of the 5 Stars Movement declared: "memorable record, an emotion beyond words. We thank all those who supported and were close to us".

- Matteo Salvini, Leader of the Lega Nord "the team who's missing the minimun number needed to reach a majority both at the Chamber and the Senate is the Centre Right. I say no to strange coalitions and i repeat no, no, no to those journalists that ask if for the Lega Nord is conceivable a different coalition from the Centre Right".

- "The final results of the elections have not yet arrived" said Angela Merkel's spokesman answering the question whether the Chancellor is worried that the outcome of the vote could slow down reforms in Europe "we wish a stable government for the welfare of the country and Europe"

- Matteo Renzi, Leader of the Democratic Party takes a step back and gives his resignation.

- The breaking news about Matteo Renzi's resignation has partially been denied. He will make a statement 17:00 this afternoon.

- Matteo Salvini (Leader of the Lega Nord): "financial markets don't have nothing to worry about, actually.. lower taxes and faster justice should encourage the investments. The Leader addes that "italians choose for themselfs, not affected by Berlin or spread".

- Luigi Di Maio (Leader of the 5 Stars Movement) "the M5S triples the number of members in both Chambers, we are first in Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Piemonte and Lazio. We represent the entire nation, from Valle d'Aosta to Sicilia, and this projects us towards the govern of Italy".

- Luigi Di Maio (Leader of the 5 Stars Movement) "we are ready to deal with all the political parties. We have the great opportunity to achieve what Italy has been waiting for 30 years: fight against poverty, safety and waste-cutting".
