Un uomo ha aperto il fuoco contro la folla durante un festival di musica country a Las Vegas, vicino al Mandalay bay resort. "Abbiamo sentito decine di colpi di armi automatiche", riferisce un testimone. Nei video pubblicati online si sentono quelle che sembrano raffiche di mitra.
#LasVegas People shot & wounded at Harvest country music festival near Mandalay Bay carried out https://t.co/Q6jFP8PzjS pic.twitter.com/gJsovMRNBE
— saba (@123Sabaaa) 2 ottobre 2017
Un post condiviso da ✌K a r i n n a (@thatveganlatina) in data:
EYEWITNESS: Chilling footage of moment active shooter opened fire on concert goers near Mandalay Bay resort in Las Vegas pic.twitter.com/7OfAwg0ReO
— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) 2 ottobre 2017
Dan Blizerian saw the shooting at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas! #lasvegas #vegasshooting #mandalaybay pic.twitter.com/eQUO299YwP
— JD Raimer (@jdraimer) 2 ottobre 2017
People running in Vegas pic.twitter.com/kk9lT0wbcQ
— Patrick Griffin (@patrickdgriffin) 2 ottobre 2017
Video from the Luxor. Shooting sounds friend working valet pic.twitter.com/pakKoqbbgz
— Gio Modern Day (@BigGloHendrix) 2 ottobre 2017
Active shooter Las Vegas strip I'm ok locked in my room lights off windows closed. Shooter is directly across the street. Shots heard on vid pic.twitter.com/Z4mz3E3bmE
— Bryan Heifner (@HBryanBHHS) 2 ottobre 2017
OMG Vegas pic.twitter.com/E2eBQA1Gew
— BallerAlert (@balleralert) 2 ottobre 2017
Un post condiviso da PMW HIP-HOP (@pmwhiphop_) in data:
Active shooter witness video captures shooting sounds from 20th floor, #MandalayBay. pic.twitter.com/S20iAwMASy
— Practical Intuition® (@Practicalintuit) 2 ottobre 2017
Un post condiviso da Lawrence Barnard (@beardofvegas) in data: