Las Vegas, spari a un concerto country: i primi video dai social

Folla in preda al panico. Tra queste persone c'è anche il miliardario Dan Bilzerian

Un uomo ha aperto il fuoco contro la folla durante un festival di musica country a Las Vegas, vicino al Mandalay bay resort. "Abbiamo sentito decine di colpi di armi automatiche", riferisce un testimone. Nei video pubblicati online si sentono quelle che sembrano raffiche di mitra.

#LasVegas People shot & wounded at Harvest country music festival near Mandalay Bay carried out https://t.co/Q6jFP8PzjS pic.twitter.com/gJsovMRNBE

— saba (@123Sabaaa) 2 ottobre 2017



Un post condiviso da ✌K a r i n n a (@thatveganlatina) in data:

EYEWITNESS: Chilling footage of moment active shooter opened fire on concert goers near Mandalay Bay resort in Las Vegas pic.twitter.com/7OfAwg0ReO

— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) 2 ottobre 2017

Dan Blizerian saw the shooting at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas! #lasvegas #vegasshooting #mandalaybay pic.twitter.com/eQUO299YwP

— JD Raimer (@jdraimer) 2 ottobre 2017

People running in Vegas pic.twitter.com/kk9lT0wbcQ

— Patrick Griffin (@patrickdgriffin) 2 ottobre 2017

Video from the Luxor. Shooting sounds friend working valet pic.twitter.com/pakKoqbbgz

— Gio Modern Day (@BigGloHendrix) 2 ottobre 2017

Active shooter Las Vegas strip I'm ok locked in my room lights off windows closed. Shooter is directly across the street. Shots heard on vid pic.twitter.com/Z4mz3E3bmE

— Bryan Heifner (@HBryanBHHS) 2 ottobre 2017

OMG Vegas pic.twitter.com/E2eBQA1Gew

— BallerAlert (@balleralert) 2 ottobre 2017

BREAKING: Multiple Reports Of Active Shooter At #MandalayBay In #LasVegas; Numerous Injured. Active shooter

Un post condiviso da PMW HIP-HOP (@pmwhiphop_) in data:

Active shooter witness video captures shooting sounds from 20th floor, #MandalayBay. pic.twitter.com/S20iAwMASy


— Practical Intuition® (@Practicalintuit) 2 ottobre 2017